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The CROW accepts a variety of submission types including research editorials, research papers, abstracts, works in progress, and literature reviews. * More information on the submission types can be found below. Submissions can be a culmination of any research conducted during a student’s time at the University of Washington Bothell.  The primary focus should be on research. We accept papers from both undergraduate and graduate students from all schools and programs at UWB.

The CROW is an equal opportunity student publication that does not discriminate or publish works that discriminate again any sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, creed, immigration status, religion, or ability. We thoughtfully consider all potential publications within this guideline.

*Accepted papers may be returned for revision before final publication.

Priority Submission deadline is January 1
Final Submission deadline is March 1.    

Send your questions to:


Requirements for all submissions:

All submissions should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, include a reference page, in-text citations (Requirements for citations can be found here), and be the original work of the author(s). The CROW adheres to the Plagiarism and Student Writing policy set forth by the University of Washington. Information about the UW Plagiarism and Student Writing policy can be found here. Please note that papers published in the CROW will then be ineligible to be published in other peer-reviewed journals.

Citations Requirements:

The CROW at the University of Washington Bothell adheres to the citation and style guide outlined by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the Modern Language Association (MLA).

Please go through your paper to make sure that all in-text citations follow a concrete citation style. We have included links to the outlines set forth in the APA, 6th edition or in the MLA, 7th edition, as examples. Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a great resource (see links below), as are tutors in the UWB Writing and Communication Center.

Research Editorials

Editorials are concise commentaries on a currently published article/issue that highlight recent exciting research, but do not primarily discuss the author’s own work. They may provide context for the findings within a field or explain potential interdisciplinary significance. Editorials commenting on papers should add a dimension to the research and not merely be a summary of the experiments done in the paper. They may also describe and synthesize recent developments of interdisciplinary significance and highlight future directions.

Maximum page limit: 3 double-spaced pages with 1″ margins.

Research Papers

A research paper presents findings from the student’s own scholarly inquiry on a specific topic. Research papers center on a research question, and will have methods, results, and conclusions drawn from the research data. Papers can utilize either quantitative or qualitative data, from a variety of disciplines.

Maximum page limit: 25 pages, not including title pg., abstract, tables, figures or references.

Researched Argumentative Essay

A researched argumentative essay is an original work that outlines an argument that is based on extensive research of previously published material. Researched argumentative essays involve a thesis, a thorough literature review and evaluation of material related to the topic, as well as an innovative compelling argument regarding previously conducted research. Researched argumentative essays can utilize either quantitative or qualitative data, from a variety of disciplines, but are common in the humanities.

Maximum page limit: 25 pages, not including title pg., abstract, tables, figures or references.

Research Proposal

A research proposal is a document that puts forth a research question, a hypothesis, and a rationale that attempts to answer that same research question. Research proposals provide their readers with a literature review, as well as the proposed methodology for answering the research question. For example, if a researcher is planning to do a research study involving human subjects, they must mention the population size, ethical considerations, whether there will be experimental and control groups, etc.… This is one component of a research proposal that differentiates it from a research paper. Finally, a research proposal concludes with reiterating all of the content mentioned above, while also mentioning implications, significance of the topic, and limitations of the proposed study.

Maximum page limit: 15 pages, not including title pg., abstract, tables, figures or references.


Abstracts are a concise yet powerful statement describing a long and larger piece of work. Typically, an abstract contains a thesis, background information, results, and overall conclusion of the work. It is aimed to provide to help the reader quickly assume the overall purpose of the paper.

Maximum word limit: 300 word maximum per abstract.

Work in Progress

A work-in-progress is a report of findings from ongoing research that has not yet reached completion but contributes to the body of knowledge within the research topic. This report should include the hypothesis and method, and may or may not include preliminary results, whit the understanding that final results and conclusions have not been reached. Submitting works-in-progress will not limit the researcher’s ability to publish a complete research paper in another publication.

Maximum page limit: 15 pages, not including title pg., abstract, tables, figures or references.

Literature Reviews

A literature review is both a summary and a synthesis. It summarizes the sources it is using and links the ideas in those sources in a particular way. Literature reviews do not contribute to the conversation, rather a comprehensive review will synthesize information and identify gaps in current research on a specific topic.

Maximum page limit: 25 pages, not including title pg., abstract, tables, figures or references.


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